Wednesday, May 4, 2011

de who?

So still no new news on the doctor situation. I'm changing insurances in the next couple of months so as soon as my new coverage kicks in, I'll be at the 'sperts office. Yay!

On another note, I do have another injury to add to my ever-growing list. Last week, I moved to a new apartment. Friday, however, my help flaked out and left me to do everything alone. Have I told you how hard-headed and stubborn I am? Did I wait 'til later when someone else could help? Nope. I trudged on alone. And what did I end up with?

Yep. A cracked radius and de Quervain's tenosynovitis. Oh yeah. Look that one up, baby. It's interesting reading indeed. Basically, it's severe acute tendonitis. My new (and not so fabulous ortho) decided the cracked radius isn't too much to worry about, even though my forearm is completely deformed. In fact, he's not even real sure the crack on the xray is a current crack or an old crack (even though I wasn't deformed before...). So why worry about something that could potentially worsen? Right?

So anyway. I'm splinted up for the next 6 weeks (minimum). If my cracked radius/tendonitis aren't better then, I'll have surgery to correct. That'll be way fun apparently. Dr. Ortho said surgery isn't bad, but the recovery is hell. Awesome. Because last summer's bunionectomy recovery wasn't enough fun AT ALL. That was only 8 weeks in a boot. IN THE SUMMER. Bleh.

So here I am. Typing very freaking carefully, since technically I'm not supposed to use my thumb for any reason whatsoever and I'm a dedicated "home keys" user from way back.

'Til next time...