Thursday, March 17, 2011

Graphic Content Ahead.

So this blog is mostly dedicated to mah bones, but I have a shitload of other health problems we can talk about while the 'spert is extricating his head from his ass.

Gastroparesis is a fun part of my life. Do ya'll know what that is? The vagus nerve tells the stomach when to empty into the intestines. In patients with gastroparesis, the vagus nerve is damaged and doesn't tell the stomach to move the food through to the intestines. Period. Typically, it's seen in diabetic patients, anorexics (which my ass is clearly NOT), or people with direct trauma to that area. They still haven't figured out why I have it. I had a doctor one time who took great pride in pointing out my case was idiopathic. I'm pretty sure he just liked saying the word.

Basically, I throw up. A lot. And violently. But before I throw up, my stomach expands and I look 6 months pregnant. I have severly painful burps that can wake the dead and generally last longer 15 seconds each. This can go on for hours. When I eat things that make me sick, the food will sit in my stomach for 4-6 hours and then I'll throw it back up. Whole. Completely undigested. I saw an entire pickle a couple of weeks ago. Fun, huh?

So foods I see again: any raw fruit (specifically the skins, which are the best part especially when covered with salt), vegetables (spinach, lettuce, pickles, corn, and cucumbers are the worst), red meat (no matter how it's cooked), and any sort of whole grain or seedy things (this ranges from sesame seeds on buns to the seeds of strawberries). And olives. I'm a Grey Goose martini, extra dirty, extra olives kind of girl. Not being able to enjoy the olives KILLS ME.

So it's safe to assume I'm a chicken/pasta/potato person. If those things are on the menu, that's what I'm eating. However, I've learned to manipulate it. If I know I'm eating a hamburger in the evening, I'll eat something for lunch that I know will digest easily. That way, by the time I eat the hamburger, my stomach will be completely empty. I won't be adding an undigestable item on top of an undigestable item. Days when I eat "bad things" at more that one meal make for sleepless, painful, nasty evenings.

Alcohol makes this condition tons worse. Alcohol paralyzes nerves anyway, so one that is semi-nonfunctioning becomes even more lethargic and ridiculous. I'm not an alcoholic by any means, but I enjoy a good drink (or three) on the weekends, which is also when I tend to eat things that are bad for me.

#2 thinks my gastroparesis plays a large role in my osteoporosis, but he isn't blaming it entirely on my diet (or lack thereof). I guess we'll see. Someday.