Howdy peeps. If you're a reader of my other blog, then you know I struggle with numerous health issues. I wanted to start this separate chronicle to document my (young) life with osteoporosis. I regularly break toes, but yesterday, after a slight sledding incident, I'm typing this with a broken finger. I feel like this blog will be more of a medical history chart than anything else. If I break it, you'll read about it. Exciting, huh?
For those who don't know me, I will warn you. I'm a sarcastic, Southern girl with a mouth like a sailor, who doesn't always follow proper sentence structure when writing, and who has a love affair with the comma and the word So. I will never mention my name or where I'm from, but I will tell you I currently live in Little Rock (which is about 500 miles away from any osteoporosis specialists).
So. Hello. My name is Little Miss Mushy Bones and I have osteoporosis. (Insert your collective AA-type welcome here.) I was diagnosed last year after a fairly routine bunionectomy was slightly more complicated than planned. While attempting to screw my bones back together, my doc realized my bones were too soft/brittle/thin to hold the screws in place. This prompted a bone density scan, which showed severe bone loss. On that fabulous ol' 2 to -5 scale, I'm a -4. Awesome right? My least favorite physician (out of about 6) bestowed my nickname upon me after the foot surgery. Little Miss Mushy Bones. She came thisclose to getting smacked... LMMB, my ass. I'll show her some mushy bones. In her face. Oh. And did I forget to mention? I also think violent thoughts when it comes to certain doctors. But I'm Southern and gawd knows I'll never actually do anything ill-mannered in public. But I'll talk behind her back as much as possible.
So anyway. Tomorrow will be my 6 month follow up scan and we'll see if my previously aged 84 year old bones have gotten younger...or older.