Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pity, party of one. Pity?

I don't usually get too bogged down in my health. Or lack thereof. However, I'm having a pity party tonight. Why can't I just be like other 29 year olds? What the hell did I do to deserve 87 year old bones? Why I can't I be thinking about keeping babies bouncy and happy instead of keeping my damn bones intact?

My Daddy called this afternoon to check on me and to see if I've gotten back any test results. I haven't. I appreciate that he calls, I really really do. I cherish the relationship I have with both he and my Mother. However, I hate the fact that he calls to see if I know why I have osteoporosis. It should be me making that phone call... to my 70 year old grandmother. Not Daddy calling his not quite 30 year old child. I hate to sound ungrateful. I'm so lucky to have parents who care about every detail of my health and life. I wouldn't trade them for anything. But it just sucks to get that phone call. It kind of put things in perspective this afternoon.

And I know this isn't that serious of a health issue. It's not like I'm dying or anything. I don't have some incurable disease that I have to suffer through. I just have bad bones. I can't have kids in the foreseeable future. I can't go do anything too physical, because I run the risk of breaking a hip. I can't act like a normal healthy 29 year old, because I'm not one.

Just a few weeks ago, a older friend of mine told me her doctor diagnosed her with osteopenia. She asked for my advice. Not because I have worse bones than she does, but because of my education and experience keeping older adults healthy and active. I told her this diagnosis isn't a life sentence, that she can slow or reverse the damage. I told her all the right things to do. I suggested to her what supplements to take, how to exercise, what to eat to get the maximum benefit. But am I doing any of these things for myself? No.

This is just ridiculous.